Thanks for submitting your request for a quote! As a small business, we take every quote seriously and with gratitude – and we view ourselves as an extension of your team, helping to get your project across the finish line.

Here's what to expect next:

  1. Get your quote. We turn most quotes around within a day, almost always within 2 days. We'll be in touch shortly if we do happen to have any questions.
  2. Approve or edit. Review your quote, ask questions if you have them, and make suggestions for edits if you need.
  3. Pay & prepare. Once payment is squared away, we'll confirm a delivery date as soon as possible. In the meantime, you'll want to make sure your space is prepared for delivery & installation! Get our free buyer's guide to make sure you're ready.

We're excited to work with you on your WillyQUOTE!  In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at 888-920-GOAT(4628) or email us at


– The WillyGoat Team

PS. If your organization is tax exempt, please click here to upload and present your tax exemption certificate and we'll send you a quote without taxes.

Finally, if you have a few minutes to spare, help us improve with this 2-minute survey:

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